Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Day 1 - So begins Semester 2...

Wayhay! I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Right then, over the holidays not much really happened. Caught up with friends again, went to a few pubs and clubs. Was really great to see everyone again. But it also feels good to be back in Leeds. I'll be back on the 5th March after this.

Right then, after about 3 hours sleep I awoke at 5am to catch the megabus to Leeds. This joureny was not so bad as my Dad was there to help carry my stuff. A sax case, a pull suitcase with a bag strapped to it and a backpack. The backpack was heavy as Matt has given me 4 Kopparbergs for the road. Real nice of him :)

My Dad and I made it to Victoria coach station with like an hour to spare so we got breakfast and relaxed. The journey to Leeds took 4 and a half hours, but tbh, it only seemed like 90 minutes. Was really happy with that.
Finally arrived back in Leeds, feels weird, but I feel a lot happier than I did before.
Maybe because my head was all full of worry last Semester, I have a good feeling about this one.

Whilst lugging my case back to Clarence Dock I met Jaz and a few others along the way. Seems everything around Leeds is pretty much the same. Got to Clarence Dock and saw Tim in the distance. We had an emotional hug after which he informed me that loads of people were still yet to come. Tbh I thought I was the last person to turn up.
Atm the only people here are me, Tim, Heff, Laura, Luci, Robyn, Harry, Mike, Magda and Lewis.

Meaning we are still waiting for Abi, Ben Mann, Sean, Louise, Natalie, Lauren and Luis.

I unpacked all my stuff and found that Barragon had died due to having no water for a month :( well tbh it was dying way before that anyway.
I didn't want to throw it away so just put it outside the block hoping it'll grow, doubt it. Also found out that Heather left today :(
This is getting annoying.
Every person that I get to know really well ends up leaving.
Adam, Ash, Scott and now Heather.

Turns out she didn't like her course at all and is starting again next year doing just plain English. At the very least unlike the other 3, she is returning to Uni next year AND lives in Leeds. So all is not lost, just some.

After saying hi to a few others including Laura (Who now has a Wii), John knocked on my door and we spoke for a while (like an hour). I got back to find I had a message from Mia,

"I know you're back purely because the Kitchen light was turned off".
Still I haven't seen her since I got back and she lives opposite me :S
One other thing I noticed as well is that I had no knifes, forks or spoons in my chest.
Yep, Mia and Laura have been using them.
Not even discretly as Laura had a drink of orange right infront of me with my glass and even said "Yeah sorry Wes we've been using your stuff" :@
Should have locked it in my room as I know they're not gonna wash it up.

After talking to a lot of people on facebook and msn I made my way to Uni to hand in my maths coursework. Tried to find a book on chemistry in the library but no luck.

Made my way back to Clarence Dock, did some revision. Heff asked me how I am so good on tetris so I went round his room and showed him what he was doing wrong (everything basically).

Then again baring in mind there was a period of my life in Summer when I did nothing but play tetris so I'm not being big headed when I say I am pretty good at it.
In the end Heff still couldn't get the hang of it as he just wanted to beat Luci's score of 5000 on tetris ultra (get most points in 2 minutes).
I did it for him in the end and ended up getting over 9000. We both know that Luci won't believe that he got that.

Wasted the rest of the evening by doing nothing basically. Seems a lot of first years are stressing and worrying over these exams saying how they're gonna fail.
I guess I should be too as I haven't done half as much as I need to to feel secure.
This chemistry one on Thursday will be the hardest I reckon, followed by maths.

The rest I shouldn't have too much of a problem with (I hope).

Not much to comment on really. It's about 1:35am and I'm still talking to Heather and got about 10 minutes of revision done.

Hoping to do more Wednesday as the test is Thursday....

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